All Saints Appley Bridge is a Church of England (Anglican) Church. We are part of the Diocese of Blackburn.
People say they find our church friendly and welcoming. We are part of a United Benefice with Christ Church Parbold. We share our youth groups and some special services, worship and outreach events with Christ Church Parbold.
Reverend Sue Timmins
Rev’d Sue has been the vicar of the joint benefice of All Saints’, Appley Bridge and Christ Church, Parbold since November 2016.

Rev’d Sue is a Lancashire lass, born and bred in Prestwich, North Manchester. She was a civil engineer with ICI before hearing the call to be ordained when she was 30, leaving ICI and training for the priesthood at St John’s Nottingham before becoming Curate at Iver in Buckinghamshire. She then returned to the North West, serving, in her own words, “For 15 happy years as Vicar at St John’s, Pendlebury, in the Manchester Diocese.”
Rev’d Sue left St John’s at the end of July 2015 to follow a call to live and work with a Christian organisation in Nigeria, an experience she describes as, “an inspiring and formative time.” She returned to England at the end of 2015 to continue voluntary work with the same organisation in Europe, and ministering to churches in the Manchester Diocese that were between parish priests.
On her appointment to our benefice Rev’d Sue said, “We have a strong focus in our Diocesan Vision 2026 to make disciples, to witness and to grow leaders for Jesus Christ, and I am looking forward to seeing how God will lead us on together in our own part of that journey.”
Rev’d Sue’s role is wide reaching and diverse. As well as taking services at All Saints’ and Christ Church Parbold including Holy Communion, baptisms, weddings, and funerals, she leads and encourages the many volunteers in both churches. She supports schools in our benefice and regularly takes school assemblies.
Rev’d Sue started producing video faith moments during the Covid pandemic and she continues to produce weekly faith moments which are available on our Appley Bridge All Saints You Tube Channel .
Reverend John Mountain

Rev’d John was ordained priest in summer in 2013.
Prior to his ordination, John was a Reader at Christ Church, Parbold. Before retiring, John worked as a professional accountant.
Rev’d John takes services at All Saints’ and Christ Church Parbold including Holy Communion, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. He regularly visits people who need home communion and he takes communion services in the residential homes for the elderly in Parbold. He also leads midweek communion in the WI Hall in Parbold.
Rev’d John started producing video faith moments during the Covid pandemic and he continues to produce weekly faith moments which are available on our Appley Bridge All Saints You Tube Channel .
Rev’d John lives in Parbold with his wife, Anthea. He is a keen runner and can often be seen out running in Parbold. John also enjoys ballroom dancing in his spare time.
He is a retired priest with permission to officiate at our churches.
Dr Sara Ashley – Licensed Lay Minister (LLM) Reader

Sara was first licensed as a Reader twenty six years ago. She has been a member of All Saints’ Church for many years. She previously served as a Reader at St Wilfrid’s Church in Standish.
In February 2022, Sara was re-licensed to All Saints’ as a Licensed Lay Minister (Reader) . She is also a member of our PCC.
Sara sometimes leads worship and preaches at All Saints’. She also helps with community activities, acts as our lettings officer and organises some of our charity events. She is a member of our church choir too.
Sara retired from her post of a part time GP in August 2020. She has undertaken work at the local children’s hospice in the past.
During the Covid crisis, Sara was a volunteer vaccinator.
Alongside her husband Mark Ashley, Sara jointly organised our 2022 Big Brekkie for Oxfam and our 2022 Christmas Fair.
Church Wardens

Mike Tyrer and Ian Hunter
Mike Tyrer was elected in April 2018 and Ian Hunter was elected in April 2019.
Church Wardens are leaders in our church community and our PCC. They are both volunteers who also have demanding non-church jobs.
They also take care of the church building and the day to day practical issues which keep things running smoothly.
Ian Hunter is also a part-time teaching assistant at All Saints C of E Primary School. He takes in leading role in our Family Time and Tots’ Time services and often liaises between school and church.
Church Treasurer- Jen Tyrer

Jen Tyrer is a member of PCC and is All Saints’ Treasurer, responsible for keeping our accounts in good order. We are fortunate to have her services as Jen is also a professional accountant.
Jen is also a talented member of our church choir is a keen member of the ‘crafty people’ group.
Jen is married to Mike, one of our Church Wardens.
Organist – Linda Scott

Linda Scott is All Saints’ most senior musician, playing organ, piano and flute and organising and directing the choir.
Linda has been a member of All Saints’ Church for many years. She is a retired secondary school teacher.
Linda is also the accomplished Musical Director of Orrell Musical and Dramatic Society. She has directed many musicals and concerts with the society. Linda’s skills as a musician are very much in demand with local groups.
Ann Edwards

A former church warden, Ann Edwards makes many contributions to our church. She is the leader of our pastoral team and often visits people who are unable to attend church.
Ann is also the leader of the Appley Bridge All Saints’ Branch of Mothers’ Union and she organises their monthly meetings . She also organises our intercessions rota and occasionally leads prayers. She organises some of our charitable collections.
Ann also acts as verger for funerals and oversees our Garden of Remembrance.
John Henry

After serving as our church warden for no less that 22 years, John Henry retired from the role in April 2019, but he continues to be a member of our special standing committee.
John continues also serves as a member of PCC and as a member of our church choir.
John helps with our Christmas Fair and is a leading member of our fabric team, continuing to help to take care of the church building.
No doubt we will continue to consult him and call on his experience and expertise in many matters relating to church.

Vera Young
Vera has been the leader of the Girls’ Friendly Society group at All Saints’, for many years and she has given many decades of service to the organisation and to young women in our parish.
Vera is the Blackburn Diocesan Secretary of the GFS in addition to her role at All Saints’.
Vera is also a skilled needlewoman and has made many beautiful items for church. She has taken an active role in All Saints’ Church for many years.
Cath Rainford

Cath is one of our Deputy Church Wardens and is a member of PCC.
She has been a member of our Church 4Kids leaders group for many years.
Cath helps to prepare the church for communion services. She also takes our contributions to the food bank.
Cath also leads our monthly evening Service of Light. She is a member of our pastoral team and she visits people who are unable to attend church.

Rachel Edwards
Rachel is a member of our Church 4 Kids leaders group.
Rachel is also the Safeguarding Officer for the Parish, responsible for maintaining the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults at our church.
Rachel advises our PCC on safeguarding issues.
Mark Ashley

Mark is our Vision Champion, and our Deputy Church Warden. He seeks to keep us on track with our progress towards Vision 2026 – the Diocese of Blackburn’s vision for moving our Lancashire churches forward in discipleship.
Mark is one of the team working on our innovative eco church project, which was launched in 2021. You can see more details about this on our eco church page. Mark has also taken a lead in seeking grants and external funding to support our church.
A journalist by trade, Mark runs our Facebook page. He enjoys it when we get some likes….. He also helps with organising church events.
Mark also works part time as a journalist, and an eco church adviser, for the Diocese of Blackburn.

Debbie Leyland
Debbie is our Data Protection Officer. She was appointed spring 2018 to help us with the changes in the data protection rules. An experienced administrator,
Debbie occasionally reads the lesson in church and leads intercessions.
She is a former Chair of All Saints’ C of E Primary School Governors.
Parochial Church Council
Like all Anglican churches, the church is overseen by a Parochial Parish Council (PCC) which acts like a school’s governing body to oversee the work and finances of the church.
We are blessed with many people who help with: welcoming people to services (sidespeople); children’s groups; house groups; readings, prayers, flowers, administration, visiting, fund raising, church yard and building maintenance, and all sorts of other activities. We thank them all for keeping our church running and helping us to welcome many people to worship with us.