Please use the JustGiving button below to donate to our church general fund
About Our Church Funds
How is Appley Bridge All Saints’ funded? Like all Church of England churches, Appley Bridge All Saints’ does not get any money from the church nationally, or from the government. Our only income comes from the donations made by the people who come to the church, and from fund-raising events. As a church, we are very grateful for the support of all our church family.
The latest giving in grace leaflet with up to date information about our church’s financial situation can be downloaded below.
Please will you prayerfully consider helping our church financially, if you are able to do so?
How to give
The best way to give by standing order or bank transfer & please Gift Aid if you can
- Account name: PCC All Saints Appley Bridge, Account Number: 34245460,
- Sort code: Sort Code: 30-90-92 – quote your name as Reference
Some people give by weekly envelopes or cash; if that is the case please keep it safe & bring it to church when we restart services. If you have lots of loose cash in envelopes you may wish to contact our vicar who will arrange for them to be collected, or phone 01257 462350.
If you prefer to write a cheque please make it payable to PCC All Saints Appley Bridge and post it to our treasurer: Mrs Jen Tyrer , 3 Dobson Close, Wrightington, Wigan, Lancashire. WN6 9ES.
What is Gift Aid? Gift Aid is a government tax relief scheme which allows tax payers to increase the value of their gift by 25% at no extra cost to themselves.
Regular review: we suggest that you prayerfully review your giving annually – like household costs, church costs seem to keep going up.