Family Services for 2024
Family Time 9.00 – 9.45 am on the 2nd Sunday of each month

Aimed at children of primary school age and their families.
We also welcome younger children to this service.
45 minutes of stories, team games, moving around, prayers, songs and action stations involving craft & creativity.
There’s a break in the middle for toast and chat.
Tots’ Time
9.00 – 9.30 am on the 4th Sunday of each month

A service for children aged 0 – 4 and their parents or carers.
30 minutes of 🎶action songs, story & play – moving around and exploring God’s love. Older children are welcome too.
BYO snacks for the children + favourite teddy🧸 & blanket. Very relaxed – a super 1st church experience.
Everyone welcome tea & coffee provided.
Church for Kids 10.30 – 11.45 am 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month in term time

For part of the time during the main church service, children aged 4 – 12 are invited to go into the back room of church or into the school for their own lively activities including crafts and games.
Children come back into church and share refreshments and social time the rest of the church family.
This term there will always also be a focus on preparing young people to take communion in church.
Resources home use
There’s lovely resources below from Illustrated Ministry
Some lovely prayers and colouring
Here are some ideas for children’s Bible resources
Kids Alive
The magazine used to have this magazine in church with jokes, crosswords etc. It is now is available in an on-line edition from this link
The Bible App – Featured App for Children
Check out this Bible App link to download this great app to help children to explore the stories of the Bible.